The only true example of Christianity I had when growing up was my great grandmother whom I loved dearly, I spent many school
holidays and weekends with her. Great memories that will last a lifetime.
Memories of going to church, reading the Bible together every night before bed. She was loved by everyone in the community
and a true child of God.
My parents made sure we go to Sunday School and church but never set an example unfortunately. They gave us all our hearts desires, but as you grow older you realise that material things do
not matter. We attended a Baptist church before emigrating to NZ and there I started learning the true Gospel. Not going to Church to feel good about yourself but to grow more spiritually and worship God.
I believe that baptism is a true confession of faith in Jesus Christ and a commandment for all people who are saved.
We attended a few Churches here in NZ before we came to Shore Baptist Church about 7 months ago.
God has led us here and we feel like we belong. I want to be baptized and follow Jesus, set a good example for my daughter, leaving the old me behind and putting my trust and faith in Christ alone.
These bible verses confirmed the importance of getting baptised for me.
Acts 2:23 Acts 22:16 Mark 16:16 john 3:5