Elder/Pastor André Bay
André was appointed pastor of Shore Baptist Church in November 2013. He studied at the London Theological Seminary and served as missionary, church planter and pastor in Russia, South Africa and Germany since 1993. André does most of the preaching and pastoral ministry in the church and strongly believes in expository preaching through whole books of the Bible. André, who was born in South Africa is married to Masha, who was born in Russia and together they have three children, Stephen, Daniel (who was born in England) and Anya.

Fred Schaumkel
Fred has been at Shore Baptist since 1988 and an elder since 1999. He has a Tongan/German background and grew up on the North Shore. Fred graduated with a Bachelor of Laws in 1979 and practised as a Solicitor. He then went on to serve in the NZ Defence Force before joining a family-owned importing business where he has worked ever since. He is married to Suzi and they are the grateful parents of Kruger, Maike, Freya, Vanja and Seini.

Aaron Falconer
Aaron is an architectural designer and builder. He and his wife, Nancy, have both worshipped at Shore Baptist since they were children and have been active in many different areas of church life. Aaron served as a deacon before accepting the call to Eldership in December 2015. He and Nancy, who serves as church Treasurer, have been blessed with eight children: Ashton, Hunter, Cooper, Tayla, Maia, Marlon, Lienna and Zane.

Owen Griffiths
Owen recently retired from 52 years in the structural Glulam industry. He and Kathleen have 2 grown up daughters and have been members at SBC for 4 years. Owen has been actively involved in serving in various capacities in the development of the Reformed Baptist fellowship of churches since the 1970s. Owen was appointed to the Eldership at Shore Baptist in 2022.

Daniel Samuel
Blessed to be part of Shore family since Feb 2002. Committed to serving God through serving people.

For general queries you can contact the elders here: elders@shorebaptist.org.nz